never worry about your loved ones again

This is ELLY

ELLY supports people in need of care and their relatives in everyday care. With ELLY your fears of falls or running away of your relatives disappear.

ELLY lights the way, protects against falls, nimmt Gefahrensituationen wahr und notifies when assistance is needed.

ELLY mit Standfuß auf einem Nachttisch

ELLY helps people at risk of

Wandering | Dementia

ELLY alerts you when your loved one approaches the front door. Mount it on the wall for easy use and never worry about them getting lost again.

Further information


ELLY lights the way to the door when it senses the person in need of care sitting up in bed. In case of advanced limited mobility, you'll be additionally alerted through the ELLY-app.

Further information

Targeted notifications

With ELLY you will receive notifications as soon as your help is needed!

Download im Google Play Store
ELLY-App Ansicht

Whyat makes ELLY unique

Die folgende Tabelle zeigt dir die Unterschiede zwischen ELLY und einem klassischen Notfallarmband. Der wesentlichste Unterschied: ELLY prevents emergency situations, während das Notfallarmband erst dann unterstützt, nachdem Notsituationen bereits eingetreten sind.

Comparison ELLY Rufhilfe.
Emergency bracelet
alarm function
alarm function
more safety
more safety
automatic notification
automatic notification
fall prevention
fall prevention
lighting solution
lighting solution
fixed location
fixed location
persons live in the same household
persons live in the same household
This table was created with Launch Hub Studio's Comparison Table Generator

Here's what experts say...

„ELLY hilft, damit Menschen länger in ihrem gewohnten Zuhause leben können. The intelligent lighting solution greatly reduces the risk of falls. Ein System wie ELLY ermöglicht es, Aktivitäten des täglichen Lebens noch leichter umzusetzen.“

Univ.-Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c.. Jürgen Osterbrink (Director of the Institute for Nursing Science and Practice at Paracelsus Medical Private University Salzburg)
Jürgen Osterbrink - Pflegewissenschafter
This is how ELLY supports you in your daily care routine

Here's what our customers say...


"I recommend ELLY to anyone who just wants a quieter night and
wants more security. Not just me, but my parents too
can sleep easier."

Heidi - Kundenstimme
Heidi Bisinger

Since I've been using the digital care support ELLY, I dare to spend a whole evening with my friends again without worrying about my sister.


ELLY notifies me when my father, who has dementia, wants to leave the house. If I'm not around, I immediately inform my neighbor, who then brings my father safely back into the house.


Ready to discover more about ELLY?

Don't wait, get ELLY now! Click here to visit the ELLY Shop!


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